Mar 7, 2017

My current days... I'm completely down.

I haven't shown up here and even couldn't chat with my friends for a while because I have been suffered from pollen allergies besides a lot of tasks and worries.泣き3あせるあせる
Thank you for asking for my condition, my kind friends~~おんぷ。ドキドキ

I have got some allergies since I was little, for more than 35 years, very long time...ええ!! 
I didn't know what allergies I had.
That's why I went to a clinic to check it for the first time, and got the result and some treatments today.にこにこ

It says my allergy from a few kinds of trees and gramineous grasses starts from February to the end of September... OMG! Too long!!号泣
Thinking back through my life, I recognized I had been sick for a loooong time. I thought I caught a cold every time. たらーたらー

When I go out, I put on a mask especially during this season every year, because I don't want to inhale much pollen. 号泣
I sometimes put it on even while sleeping. 号泣号泣

My co-worker, a native English teacher from England, has got a hay fever since he lived here. He also puts on a mask during the time and says his eyes are very itchy, too.  I remembered his eyes turned to be red.叫び叫び叫び

Anyway, I feel better and better because the doctor got rid of all the pollen in my nose and throat. よだれ+ドキドキ
And I got some medicine which made me veeeeery sleepy all day, but I'll be used to it and feel better with time. I'm really grateful for my friends who gave me a lot of wishes and prays.


By the way, we have entrance exams of public high schools here this Thursday,
and my older daughter will take it, too.困

”Hmm, the cause of my long-time headache is from my allergy? Or my daughter??
Probably, my allergy, because it's gone now, ahaha.

Some days ago, my younger daughter muttered to me.
In her dream, her older sister told her to go to the private school finally.うっ、うさぎ
It means she won't be able to pass the coming exam.あせる

She was proudly saying she had the special skill of the prophecy, but everyone of my family and even my older daughter herself can guess the result without doubt.にこにこ
The younger one was said soon "Not prophecy, but prediction!!"うきうきうきうき
She is very funny and cutie.

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