Sep 17, 2016

There are many people having stress in Japan and my daily

I found I didn't upload my blog here and thanks for messaging me greetings.キラハート踊る
I've been fine, but focused on some things. One of them is to help my relative to move to a new place to change his life. He really thinks he needs to restart the life strongly.ういんく

He told me that he had been obsessed with something bad in his spirit for more than 20 years and nobody could understand it, which makes him live like in the hell.ほろり However, while paying attention to his condition, he can go on by himself at his pace to move to Hokkaido. I'm very surprised and impressed at his attitude.わーいわーい

During this weekend, he has to apply for a new apartment and a moving company that he's about to decide, booking of a hotel for a fer days and a flight ticket, and order of the electric appliances...There are many thing hard for him, but he told he would do everything by himself.にこにこ
I simply and honestly cheer him up until he finishes everything. にこにこにこにこ

I hope him to live in Hokkaido safely, adjust the life circumstances around him there and be able to spend his new life without problems and difficulties. It's our aim now, and when it comes true, it could give him some conference. I hope he step up bit by bit from it.くまくま

I'll go to help to his house to pack his luggage and clean there as he wants tomorrow.ayaaya


There are many people who are suffered from mental difficulties here. We don't know when we would have some suddenly. Some people have difficulties from a baby, others have while they are grown up.

Of course, there are psychiatric hospitals here too, but the treatments and others' understanding of mental patients in old days were not suitable and good. Recently they have been changed and found how to deal with.

So it's easier to find difficulties at younger ages now and they learn how to go through. That's my specialty and  treat many different types of kids at school.

Everybody has his/her own difficulties, I think. I have a lot of demerits in myself, but also have many merits as well. I think we have to understand our personalities at the age as young as we are and obtain the way to get along with our difficulties by parents' letting kids challenge something new a lot and trying to solve problems by themselves.

We have the problem of the declining birth rate in Japan. Kids have less opportunity to challenge and get it over by themselves. Many parents take too much attention to their kids, I think.

I'm also one of the parents, and have to keep it in my mind from now on too.





