Sep 11, 2016

Nostalgic Record of Pink Lady

Since my son was off at his club, he and my younger daughter had a part-time job at home.にこにこ

I cleared away small things in my parents' house last time, but we did almost all things involved in big furniture.ういんく
Different from the last time, everything has gone away from where it used to be; when I saw the empty rooms, I remembered a lot of memories there, which made me burst into tears.ほろり
It was good I didn't do it alone.あせ

There are some records of my father. While my son tied them up, he said"Finally, I got a known one of records among classic and jazz."
Wow, I was surprised at it.驚く
Good old days of my youth... Ahaha, you must find out my age..?あはは・・・




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