Mar 7, 2016

My Family's Girls' Day on March 3

I forgot to upload about my family's Girls Day on March 3.驚く

My younger daughter and I took Japanese dolls named "hinaningyo"and cooked garnished sushi and soup together.
(My father bought us the dolls that I could set easily when my older daughter was born.)
We usually give sushi on a small plate to them before serving for us. うまうま

After eating the sushi, we took them back into a box soon.
And I will dry them well in the shade on a sunny day and put something to get rid of insects there because it will be kept in a closet until the next year.aya


昔からそうだった? これも時代と共に、変わったのかしら?思う

最近、お寺さんとお墓事情、月命日事情の話をしていたら、あの世界も時代と共に順応しているらしい・・・。で、そんな話をしている私って、随分と良い歳になってきたんだなあって、改めて気付きました。あはは・・・ あはは・・・

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