Mar 17, 2016

The Last School Lunch at Elementary School

When my younger daughter came back home, she said about today's school lunch.aya

Tomorrow is a graduation ceremony of her elementary school and the 6th grade students had the last school lunch. The lunch was sticky rice steamed with red beans. fried chickens, vegetable soup and milk, my daughter said.うまうまうまうま

Do you know about the stick red rice?キラハート
When we have good events, news and something to be celebrated, we make the sticky rice with red beans. We say "sekihan" for it. 
When we eat the red rice, we sprinkle salt and black sesame ( we said "gomashio") over it.
"Sekihan" is the following...くま

sekihan & gomashio

My younger daughter's grade, or 5th grade students had to prepare for the tomorrow's ceremony. They cleaned the gym, set the stage and all the chairs for the 6th grade students and their parents. 掃除 フキフキ ゴミ捨て
My daughter's grade students will become one year older from the beginning of April. They will take care of the other younger students in every events during the coming new year. They will be very helpful for teachers.ありがとうありがとうありがとうありがとうありがとう

Congratulations on graduation !!桜**桜**

明日、公立の小学校の卒業式ですね。 にこにこ



Have a great day tomorrow !!にこにこにこにこ

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