Mar 11, 2016

My Yesterday

I was asked to go to trial lessons of dancing by my colleague yesterday.にこにこにこにこ
There are many kinds of dancing there, but we selected the basic of Hip Hop and Latin fitness, for 2 hours in total. 
I knew what I should dance next in my brain but my body couldn't follow my willing... Haha.あはは・・・

I'm not good at music and dancing at all, but I have wanted to dance better for my work.思う
Japanese Elementary school teachers don't specify a subject they teach to kids. 
A classroom teacher teaches students all subjects in his/ her class. Teachers must teach math, Japanese, science, social studies, music, gym, swimming, moral, home economics, art and crafts, and from 5th and 6th grade English alone at Japanese elementary schools.
And we have a sports festival in fall, in which students compete running races, other sports activities and many kinds of dances. Each grade performs a different kind of dances.小躍り踊る踊る

I had a special classroom, and my students were from 1st grade and 6th grade.
I had to remember all the dances soon so that I could teach kids how to dance near my students. But I'm basically poor at dancing and had so much troubles to remember all of them. 
That's why I have wanted to get used to dancing. aya
My colleague remembered it, so she asked me to go to a dance school together.ういんく

After dancing, I could feel very fine because I haven't stretched and moved so much. I thought it's good for the health and my brain as well.
I will keep going to one of them, probably a little slower one, Latin fitness.小躍り踊る踊る

The number of my friends going to Yoga has been increasing here. love
I think it's easy to start learning at our ages and good for our health; it promotes metabolism, improves our conditions and keep a good balance of our body lines and so on.
Recently hot yoga is also famous in here. I have heart Latin fitness for the first time and don't know about it well, but I like the teacher.

That's my yesterday.くま







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