Feb 16, 2016

Grandma's Condition & Japanese Old Common Belief after Death

Thank you very much for cheering me up from my kind friends.
I'm really glad to hear from them. I'd like to tell you about her condition and one of old common believes after death.

It has passed for 4 years and a half since my grandmother couldn't eat any foods and got a surgery to put a tube into her stomach to feed liquid instead of foods.
At last she couldn't keep the liquid and changed to normal injections on January 26.
However, the hospital said there was nothing to be cared for her on February 8.

We had been ready for her last and I visited her everyday besides my relatives did as well to say good-bye.

But some days later, the hospital said they tried to give injections again as much as possible.
Her blood tubes are very weak and easy to be broken it out.
So she must get an injection after some trials but couldn't keep it on for even all of it.

I don't know why they started again, but maybe they changed their mind from that many of us visited her.
I'm glad for the considerate daily treatments and concern of the hospital, but I'm complicated in myself, when I think about her.

She is kept living by great current medial treatments and injections.泣く泣く

Though she had lost herself by a dementia for a very long time, she has come back her feelings bit by bit during this one year.
Whenever I visit her, she looks for me and reacts my talking.
She sometimes nods and tries to talk, lough and cry.... I understand what she tries to say.にこにこにこにこ

This is the most important of my daily. Thank you very much for kindness from my friends!! I could feel better now! ういんくくま

And, I will explain about one of Japanese old common beliefs about after the death.
This is not from Buddhist, but from old myth or fork belief.Queenly

There is a river is called "Sanzuno kawa" in Japanese, comes from and means 3 rivers originally, though it's a river now.
The river has been considered to be placed between the alive and dead worlds.
When people die, they face and go across the river(after a week
passed), we can get to the heaven.コスモスコスモスコスモス

In very old days, they believed 3 rivers there, one was for the good
people, the other was for the bad people and another was for the
middle people.
They were decided by their behaviors they had done in the alive lives.
The better they behaved, the easier river they could swim.
Because the bad people had made others worried and cried a lot, that's why the flow of the river changed.ほろり

However, it has changed someday.
The river is only one, and people don't swim to the heaven.
We go by small boat and need old money named not "yen" but "mon".
We need 6 mon to ride it, but we don't have mon money now.
So we put printed the money into a coffin.
When my father died, we put 6 mons and his favorite things with him.キラキラキラキラ

I hope my grandmother go to the heaven safely without any pains and suffers.
But until the date, I will go to talk with her as much as possible, I'm sure.にこにこにこにこにこにこ

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