Feb 4, 2016

Moral Lessons at Public Elementary School

We have moral lessons at public elementary schools to discuss and solve problems in a class, moreover, think and discuss a story their homeroom teacher select and read in advance.aya

This is one of stories which are easier, so they can imagine and discuss their opinions to each other. "At a Bus Stop on a Rainy Day".
We give this lesson for 4th grade students, considered the progress to grow up.くま


This story is about a girl and her mother having a heavy paper bag in a rainy day. When they went to a bus stop and saw a bus coming, the girl started running, came into the front of a line and called her mother proudly. However, her mother pulled her shoulder strongly and took her to the back of the line silently and angrily. Her mother was completely different from the usual.


This story doesn't have many words to explain to readers, completely a simple one to make students think deeply by themselves.

Students have to discuss about the main character's feelings when she ran to the bus stop, why she stood at the front of the line, when she was pulled strongly by her mother and saw her mother's very angry face, and when she kept a line at the back with her mother...

The main aim is to understand why we need rules and promises in their daily lives, and to become able to follow them by themselves.
So teachers make students think deeply if there are occasions and things they can't keep rules both at schools and in their daily lives.
They told many kinds of opinions in our lesson and kids had tended to follow class rules for a while, haha.

Elementary kids are basically simple and easy to be impressed, it's very good and effective to make them consider about human morals and grow their good conscience in their minds, I think.

I wanted to show you one of moral lessons in Japan.
Thanks for reading!!

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