Jul 6, 2016

How do you protect yourself in a disaster?

You know that Japan has a lot of earthquakes, and when you visit here, you might experience it unfortunately.aya

That's why I want to introduce how to protect by ourselves.にこにこ
We sometimes have demonstrations to evacuate from a disaster in our daily lives, so we could understand some of what we should do, though we will be panicked and upset then.
But I think you would have no idea if you have it here for real, so I want you to watch the following video.くま


As the video says, there are some disaster practices at school for the cases of earthquakes, fires and suspicious breaking into schools.aya
Suddenly the warning sounds ring驚く and we have to hear the announce what happened and we should do from now on.注意

In a case of earthquake, students should be under their desks with holding their heads and teachers open the door first and then go into the teachers' desk. The reason to open the door is to prevent from sustaining in the class owing to the collapse of it.aya

In a fire and invasion of someone suspicious, we should wait for the next announce where it occurred and how to evacuate to the ground.aya

We have the rule to evacuate to the ground and protect ourselves; "おはしも", or " O Ha Shi Mo".注意
お is おさない, which means don't push.
は is はしらない, don't run.
し is しゃべらない, don't talk and be quiet.
も is もどらない, don't go back.

Also at home, each of us has our own disaster preparedness so that we can run out of houses with holding something important soon.くま
And moreover, my family decided where we would meet again after having a disaster in different places. If we are alive and walk to the destination, we will be able to meet again.思う
My house has a deep basement and the structure is also a little flexible to reduce the damage of a shaking.
There are many technique to live here, in Japan.ういんく

When you visit Japan and have an earthquake, check where is the safest place with your composure. I think you should open the door and keep waiting in the safest place.にこにこにこにこ




京都 http://bosailabo.jp/report/museum/s23.htm
大阪 http://bosailabo.jp/report/museum/s21.htm

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