Jul 7, 2016

July 7 : Tanabata Star Festival in Japan

Tanabata is a Japanese festival celebrated on July 7, and also known a star festival.にこにこ
We write our wishes on a colorful piece of papers called Tanzaku and hang it down on bamboo branches.aya

There is an old story about tanabata, which is between a boy named "Hikoboshi" and a girl "Orihime". Check the following video and you can read the story in English too if you select.ういんく
They can meet once a year when it's a good weather, and people say that our wishes will come true.キラキラ
Otherwise, they can't meet each other this year.泣く


When my kids were little, we used to cerebrate on the day at home. And in a good condition, we would go to see the stars and the river in the sky.にこ

There are a lot of clouds in the sky today, so I couldn't look at them from my place.ほろり

My daughter told she wanted to see the river and beautiful stars with her eyes.涙
But it's difficult from the city.115
We have never seen them without planetariums. Too sad...泣




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