Jan 21, 2016

The Day before the Beginning of Spring : Setsubun

Devil mask and roasted beans

February 3 is the date called "Setsubun"節分節分 in Japan, when is the end of winter according to a Chinese calendar.  

On this evening, we scatter roasted beans inside and outside of the house while we cry "Oniwa soto, Fukuwa uchi". 
It means that "Devil go away, Good luck come in". 
In some families, an adult like a father puts on a devil mask節分 and kids throw beans to him.驚く走る
It's kind of charm against bad luck and illness.キラキラ

Next, about the dinner on the date.
We have special foods and eating manners for setsubun.
We eat sushi roll
巻き寿司, grilled fish of sardineおさかな and roasted beans.コーヒー豆コーヒー豆
You have to eat roasted beans at least your age + a bean.
If you are 20 years old, you have to eat 21 beans.

Sushi Roll

Grilled sardine

I will write about how to make sushi roll巻き寿司 next time, but please remember we can put anything you want to roll.aya

And we have a special rule to eat this sushi roll
巻き寿司 only in setsubun.注意
We shouldn't tell a word and should pray for a good luck in the future while eating a sushi roll.ういんく
And we have another rule, too.注意
We should see the decided direction while eating this sushi roll.

The direction is the following...
2008年(平成20年) South South East   *1
2009年(平成21年) East North East     *2
2010年(平成22年) West South West    *32011年(平成23年) South South East   *42012年(平成24年) North North West   *5
2013年(平成25年) South South East
2014年(平成26年) East North East
2015年(平成27年) West South West
2016年(平成28年) South South East
2017年(平成29年) North North West
2018年(平成30年) South South East Repeat *1-5

So we will eat sushi roll with looking at South South East this setsubun, on this February 3.

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