Apr 19, 2016

Classroom Teachers' Home Visit

My older daughter told me about her classroom teacher's home visit today.
We will have it the day after tomorrow.にこにこにこにこ

We have elementary and junior high school classroom teachers' home visits after school once in a year, in spring.aya
Every class of both an elementary and junior high school has below 40 kids, except for the 1st and 2nd grades of an elementary one does below 35.
Teachers have to visit around all students' homes one after another according to the time schedules they decided in advance, so we have a few days for home visit. くま

Do you know why they go around students' homes in this season?思う

It's because of greetings, talking about students' concerns and conditions, knowing about their families' affairs and confirming whether teachers have to give special considerations for kids. ういんく
Japanese schools start from April, so it's good for teachers to know how to teach and treat students well.踊る

On the other hand, about family-side's way to accept a teacher. aya
We always have a few worries and troubles about the visit every year, especially in the case of the first kid in a family.苦笑

Where should we talk with teachers? At the entrance or in a living room?驚く
What should we give teachers during the talk? Nothing, tea or juice, sweets too?驚く驚く
But teachers have to drink in almost families in a very short time... Is it hard for them??驚く驚く驚く
And we have to clean the house before the visit...驚く驚く驚く驚く

We will basically talk about 15 mins per student. But parents could understand what kids' teachers are like from the talks.
If parents have worries about their kids, they can tell them to kids' teachers.くま

I will have the visit the day after tomorrow, but honestly speaking, I don't have anything worried about my kids. I'm very happy for my kids to enjoy their schools.lovelove

あらま、家を片づけないと・・・苦笑 飲み物の準備をしないと・・・。苦笑



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