Apr 17, 2016

Japanese weren't the only people on Japan in the past

Japan is an isolated country surrounded with the sea.  Thus, people think we were and are only one people in Japan, but it's not correct.

We had 2 peoples, the native Japanese and native Hokkaido people, or "Ainu".
They used to live in Hokkaido, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

The Kuril Islands are small ones in the northern and eastern of Japan, red and pink islands.

The Sakhalin is placed in the north far from Hokkaido, or the island pointed with a red signal.

The Ainu people had their own language and culture, different from the main island of Japan.
After Japan was lost in the world war 2, they escaped to Hokkaido and there were also many battles with the native Japanese. The Ainu were completely defeat and had had a very hard treatment for a long time.涙涙

But recently they are mixed and live all over Japan, so we don't know how many Ainu people there are now.
And we are only one people in Japan now.
This is the history of Hokkaido.aya

When my family have visited Hokkaido 4 times, we learned something historic and the world heritages we should inherit to the young generations every time, of course while looking around sightseeing spots and eating delicious foods in Hokkaido.
Seeing by our own eyes is really a good study, I think.ういんく





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