Apr 29, 2016

Happy Golden Week~~

We have 4 National holidays within a week as follows.にこにこにこにこ

April 29 is Showa Day
May 3 is Constitution Memorial Day
May 4 is Greenery Day
May 5 is Children’s Day

And the combination of the 4 holidays and the weekends, we can get a long holidays here.aya
We say the Golden Week for the long holidays and which is 1 of the 3 biggests holiday seasons, besides New Year and Obon holidays.ドキドキ

Today is April 29, or Showa Day.
It’s the birthday of the former Emperor Showa Period, which was lasted from 1926 to 1989.

May 3 is the Constitution Day, the new constitution was established on this day in 1947.

May 4 is the Greenery Day, which is the day to enjoy the environment and the nature.

May 5 is the Children’s Day, or boy's festival. Families having a boy pray for the health, good luck and future success for their sons. (The girls’ festival is on March 3.)
We display a decoration of a carp streamer called ‘koinobori’ outside and samurai dolls inside.

This year’s Golden Week is all off for 7 days from April 29 to May 5 except for May 2.にこにこ

During this long holidays, we usually go to say hello to our parents’ house. aya
However, all the translations and sightseeing spots are very crowded during the Golden Week.↓☆
Parents are very exhausted after coming back home and have to go to work with a little tired next day.あせるあせる


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