Dec 2, 2016

Happy Birthday~~♪

Yesterday was my son's birthday.にこにこにこにこ

I cooked 4 big pizza, unbalanced hamburgers that had a too big hamburger steak and deep-fried fish which my husband took.むふ

While I cooked the dinner, my YOUNGER daughter baked an apple cake after coming back from school. It was the firsts time she cooked everything by herself. ニコニコ

And  then, she wanted me to do something here...よだれ+

"The girl who just became 12 years old could do all the procedure to bake a cake by herself."
"Can I get many comments?"
"But I'm wondering I can't ask them about it from me?" said to herself with looking at me.たらーたらー

My gentle friends, please give my cute daughter a lovely comment !!ayaaya





そこで娘は、このブログで よだれ+


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