Dec 31, 2016

New Year Decorations in Japan


When my kids saw a shimenawa decoration hanging down at the front of a car, I thought the car and the owner of it were very cool.にこにこにこにこ

Though I often see many ones which are decorated at the top of a door, I can hardly see it recently. but the owner still keeps the custom, and I was impressed with the mind.じーん

We have some things for a New Year, shimenawa, kadomatsu and kagami mochi.aya
Shimenawa is a decoration to the upper of a front door, Kadomatsu is at the entrance of a door and Kagami mochi is put the inside house, mostly in front of the family Buddhist altar.くま

Old type of Shimenawa


Kagami mochi, rice cake

Kagamimi mochi, or rice cake is cut slice after a fer day display, and we can deep-fry and roast it to cook rice crackers.むふ

Q. When are the new year's decorations set?

After the Christmas, we should decorate them by December 28, because we have to avoid 2 days of December 29 and 31.注意

December 29, we dislike the number of 9, because it makes us image disasters and to be suffered from something.たらー
December 31 is just one day before the new year, which is very rude to the God.↓☆

Q. When and how should we get rid of these decorations?

As for the timing of removal, most districts have to get rid of them by January 7, and most of New Year decorations are fired at a shrine in the festival named "Donto yaki" on January 15.good
While we see the fire go up to the sky, we are praying for our own wishes like for our good health, rich harvest and good works on business.denpa-hokkotiheart denpa-hokkotiheart

I wanted to enjoy the New Year's coming, but we seem to share nothing special with my kids this year too... too bad.あせるあせる
I'd like to talk about New Year's decorations and enjoy "Donto yaki" with them, ahaha.てへぺろうさぎ

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しめ縄っていつ頃飾るのか、どのタイミングで、どのように片付け処理をするのか、ちょっと書いてみました。aya good


取り外すタイミングとしては、ほとんどの地区が1/7までに外し、1/15のどんと焼きで正月飾りを神社で焼いて貰うことにより、神様がお空に上って行くのを見守りながら、1年を健康に無事に生活出来るように、豊作を、仕事が上手く行くようにと…それぞれの新な一年をお祈りをします。むふ むふ


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