Feb 1, 2017


Today's dinner is Yakitori.にこにこにこにこ

Since we had a yakitori party with our friends' families last Christmas, I often cooked it.
But I always did salt and pepper flavor because it was easier.よだれ+

Kids tend to like sweet taste ones, so I looked into the sauce recipe.aya
They always want me to cook some kinds of dishes for a meal, but they seemed to be satisfied with only yakitori today.にこにこ

Especially my son, who always loves and says, "meat, meat, meat! I need meat!!"たらー
However, he was in high mood with smelling something good as soon as he came back home.goodむふ

The recipe is the below...denpa-hokkotiheart






          シャンパン シャンパン シャンパン シャンパン シャンパン                                                           シャンパン シャンパン シャンパン シャンパン シャンパン

《YAKITORI sauce》        

Soy sauce    200ml
Mirin, Japanese sweet sake    150ml
Japanese sake    50ml
Sugar           6 Tsp
Starch with water    to taste

I always make much sauce because it's very convenient I can use it for other dishes soon when I keep it. Especially in cooking paced lunches for my kids every morning.

《焼き肉のタレ》  (海外でも手に入るシンプルな調味料を使ったレシピを選びました)

* しょうゆ 200ml
* みりん 150ml
* 酒 50ml
* 砂糖 大6



1. Boiled *seasonings first.

2. I selected chicken and green onion.
(But I removed the skin from the meat.)

3. Cut the skin of chicken and boiled.

4. Grilled Yakitori for 8 mins. ( No flavor yet.)
But I sprinkled salt and pepper on only the skin of chicken "3" and grilled until it was crispy.

5. Put grilled Yakitori in a frying pan and pour some of the Yakitori sauce.

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