Jun 8, 2016

My starving baggage's coming~~

I got my starving baggage yesterday!にこにこ

3 big boxes with a cover.にこにこにこにこ

I bought them to divide the clean clothes into 3 boxes for my 3 kids.aya
They just put their own clothes into a drawers that I clean, divide and fold them, but unless I ask to do it, they will keep them as they are, or more worse, all of them are scattered again.115
Though I tried to change the time to ask, they complained "I know"ぷんぷんwith some angry whenever I said. My older daughter told me if I was bullying.ほろり

I was really tired of getting troubles like this.泣
When I put clean clothes into these boxes. the room would not be scattered, I didn't have to fold them and see them either owing to the cover.踊る
As soon as I saw the box, I bought it for me!小躍り

Since I put them in there one after another, they would get a lot of wrinkles, which would make them put away soon, I think. But I don't know whether it will work well or not.思う

My son immediately told me that I didn't work this year, but when I asked the reason not to follow my saying honestly, he didn't answer it at all.あはは・・・

I could spend the 1st day of today peacefully thanks for these magical boxes.にこ







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