Jan 27, 2017

Marathon race in my daughter's school

I went to see a marathon race today, the last one in this elementary school for my kids.にこにこにこにこ

Every student from the 3rd to 6th grade took part in it with different distances according to ages.
The 6th grade students run 1300m, which is not so long, but they have to keep high speed.aya

For this day, every morning except for rainy days, they will go and run in the ground until the opening time as soon as they go to school.にこにこ
Some of them run in the early morning or after school for training.きらきらきらきら

The most impressive thing is about the daughter of my friend, though mine also tried to do the best.
I felt very impressed to see her growing up and was about to cry a lot.くすん

Though she used to be unable to do as others do because of the weak body, after 6 years from the entrance of the school, she could finish running as others did and moreover, she wanted to run to the goal that she couldn't have got to until the last year!ドキドキ
She could do it as she said!"にこにこ

And after other classroom friends finished, they kept cheering up until she got to the goal.denpa-hokkotiheartドキドキ
I couldn't stop crying to see it.泣き3ドキドキ

They will go to different schools this April.くすんあせる
More than 1/3 students of them will go to different private junior high schools.泣き3
I was very sad while looking at one after another.泣き3泣き3

I hope my kid will go to school cheerfully everyday.星星

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