Jan 11, 2017

What I was really happy...

I got New Year 's cards from children in a class at an elementary school I worked and went to everyday by the last year.にこにこ
(I was a teacher of all students from the 1st to 6th grade students with difficult problems in classes. So I went to many classes in a day.)キラキラ
Honestly speaking, I was really very glad for their cards!にこにこドキドキ

While students change a classroom teacher every year, I was not their own teacher, but they remembered me, sent me a postcard, and moreover, wrote a message for me to go back to the school on it.ぶたぶた
I couldn't stop looking at the postcard for a long time.denpa-hokkotiheartフラ

Thinking about the class when I worked, the class had a lot of fighting every day.あせる叫び
Some students dropped out and strolled out the class or suffered from  emotional disorders, others struggled to try to keep studying for themselves... うっ、うさぎ
I'm remembering I used to look for them and talked with them what they did.じーん

But I ended up having a lot of fun every day, because I could talk with them a lot and build relationship of mutual trust.にこにこドキドキ
I got a lot of worried but good experience and memories.きらきらきらきら

While thinking about such a thing...よだれ+

Even though I got the New Year's post cards from my students, I couldn't send them back this year because of my grandmothers' depth, so I bought pretty message cards yesterday and wrote down on them today.goodおんぷ。
"THANK YOU! "にこにこ
I couldn't find out other good words except for it.くまスキップ

However, about the message to go back to the school...困

Though I took off my work for 1 year and until the end of this March because of taking care of my grandmother, I don't decide whether I should go back to the school or not this April yet.あせるたらー

There is the rule to renew teaching licenses every 10 years in Japan, and I have to do it this year.aya

Usually teachers take one week lectures at a university, they can get a new one. But in case to go to university to get another different license, they can renew it too.くま

I wanted to select the latter to study something different from my specialty, but I'm really worried about and missed the students there.じーん
They who gave me postcards will be the 6th grade of the school and I also want to see them graduate from there beside them.うきうきじーん

Anyway,  I'll mail this message cards tomorrow!フラgoodおんぷ。

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