Jan 22, 2017

What I wanted to tell to my daughter... / 娘に伝えたかったこと

We had some time to do, so I taught my younger daughter how to sew and put a button on clothes.にこにこにこにこ

The 5th and 6th grade elementary school students learn home economics at school, but there are some kids hard to learn during lessons. I thought it by looking at my older daughter who couldn't finish the homework of home economic this winter and I had to do it instead of her...たらー あせる

I gave some messages to my younger daughter as following.aya

Parents can't keep staying and helping her forever, so the most important thing is for her to do everything necessary to live by herself.じーん
It will help her a lot in the end.good ドキドキ

I have been worried about especially her, because she is the youngest in my kids. That's why I want to teach her everything I know and have. It's what I wanted to tell to her.denpa-hokkotiheart むふ

Since I had got a lot of troubles after my mom passed away suddenly, because I couldn't stand by myself.叫び ぶた
I was said by my mom that the most worried thing before dying is ME and asked if I would keep living without her... I couldn't answer it at all, because I had no idea to do everything by myself then.泣き3 泣き3

And she is the kid who will always respond to what I say. She doesn't have adolescent days yet.
So I can do it for her and also myself.きらきら きらきら

When I was about to cook dinner, she came to ask me what today's dinner would be.おんぷ。
I suggested to cook together and she answered YES and then I only showed the recipe of Cheese fondue while explained what she should do.フラ フラ

When I confirmed whether she could remember the recipe, she forgot some of it but we learned the recipe again after finishing. She can cook it alone next.にこにこ






私は何も教えて貰うことがないまま、母が亡くなってすごく困ったので、子供にはちゃんと伝えていきたいと常日頃から思っていて、これが私が娘に伝えたかったメッセージです。きらきら きらきら きらきら


レシピは既に頭の中に入ったようで、完全に一人で作れるようになったと思います♪おんぷ。 おんぷ。

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